Monday, July 19, 2010

Temporary Question and answer [Q&A] about iDevices

This is quoted from the Dev-Team Blog by Livy

Q: When will the new unlock be released?
A: When it's done. There is no ETA. Don't fall for any fake Twitter / Facebook / Websites that tell you otherwise. [Quote from this blog posting: "The team has had a series of successes with the carrier unlock on iPhone4. We’re fine-tuning the payload to make it as quick to load as possible (and making sure it remains crash-free of course!)." July 17th/18th]

Q: When will the new jailbreak be released?
A: When it's done. There is no ETA. Don't fall for any fake Twitter / Facebook / Websites that tell you otherwise. [Quote from comex Twitter: "No, the jailbreak is not ready yet." 9:18 PM Jul 15th]

Q: What will be released first, the new JB or the new UL?
A: Quote from planetbeing Twitter referring to the UL: "The way things are looking, it'll probably be out at the same time as the jb."

Q: Can I unlock my iPhone to use with another carrier without a jailbreak?
A: No. A jailbreak is the prerequisite since you need to install the unlock/ultrasn0w from Cydia.

Q: Can I jailbreak my iPhone but not unlock it?
A: Of course. It's not mandatory.

Q: What FW / BB versions will the new unlock work for?
A: Most likely all the ones are currently supported in ultrasn0w as well as 4.0 and 4.0.1 FW and BB (they have the same BB).

Q: What FW and devices will the new jailbreak work for?
A: Quote from MuscleNerd Twitter: "yes the upcoming new JB from @comex will be untethered and for all 4.x devices". (This obviously also includes 3GS devices, not just iPhone 4's!)

Q: Will PwnageTool and / or redsn0w be updated at the same time?
A: Unknown. They might be updated at a later point.

Q: Is there a PwnageTool version for Windows?
A: No. There has never been one. (Afaik)

Q: When the new release is out, will I be able to jailbreak my iPhone 4 / iPhone 3GS old or new bootrom?
A: See Q #7.

Q: Will I be able unlock my iPhone 4 / iPhone 3GS old / new bootrom?
A: Yes, as long as you have it jailbroken (with new or old tools) and then install ultrasn0w through Cydia.

Q: Can I still save my SHSH Blobs for my iPhone 4 with 4.0?
A: Apple is now no longer signing firmware 4.0, which means that you can't save them anymore. This also applies to any firmware older than 4.0.1 for the 3GS. There is no shsh saving needed for the 3G.

Q: Can I save my SHSH Blobs for FW 4.0.1 for my iPhone 4 which is not updated and on 4.0?
A: Yes, TinyUmbrella allows saving of SHSH Blobs even if your device is not on that firmware, as long as Apple is (still) signing the firmware version you are requesting the blobs for.

Q: What are the differences between 4.0 and 4.0.1?
A: See as follows. They also share the same BB. Quote MuscleNerd Twitter: "yep...4.0.1 and 4.0 are the same from the JB's perspective (4.0.1 just changed the signal bar reporting, nothing else)" and "4.0.1 is purely a cosmetic signal bar reporting fixup.".

Q: Can I downgrade my 4.x 3GS to 3.1.x?
A: At this time, only if you saved your shsh files in Cydia / with TinyUmbrella.

Q: Can I upgrade my 3GS to a jailbroken 4.0.1?
A: 4.0.1 - not yet. 4.0 - yes. Read the blog posting about updating with PwnageTool. Restrictions apply, especially for a 3GS. 3G is way less complicated. Also check out the iphwn wikee.

Q: I don't know or understand how to use TinyUmbrella!!
A: Check out the Readme file which is downloadable from the TinyUmbrella website. Check out MuscleNerd's Twitter for a link to the website (from Tuesday or Wednesday, where he reminded people to save their blobs).

Q: Is there a hacktivation tool for 3.1.3 / 4.0? Will the new comex JB / tool have hacktivation?
A: Not at the moment. It's unlikely, since Spirit also required an activated iPhone to work.

Q: My iPhone is stuck at the emergency screen and I do not know which carrier it's locked to!
A: Post in the comments with your Model # (something like Mxxxx, the full number/letters, retrieve it with f0recast or TinyUmbrella) and ask for assistance to find out which carrier it's locked to.

Q: My iPhone is stuck at the emergency screen and I don't have an official sim and can't get one, really!
A: You might get lucky - it hast just now (Sunday July 18th) been found out that there's the possibility of activating with a phonebook card - check out the related comment and discussion here or go to the iclarified website or sherif-hashim Twitter to find out more.

Original link from Here


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